Texas Tobacco-free kids day! April 1, 2024


Do you wish your school and community was safer and healthier? Do you support living a tobacco-free lifestyle? Then, join youth from across Texas on April 1st for the 2024 Texas Tobacco-Free Kids Day (TTFKD), sponsored by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and the Texas School Safety Center (TxSSC)!


Held in conjunction with Take Down Tobacco National Day of Action, sponsored by Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, students all over Texas are organizing TTFKD activities to expose and combat Big Tobacco’s powerful marketing strategies aimed at youth. Did we mention youth aren’t even legally able to use their products??


Well we’re inviting you to take part in this annual celebration of youth leadership and activism in tobacco prevention efforts. Also, by participating in TTFKD and reporting results to Say What!, your group can earn the chance to win a scholarship to attend the annual Say What! Conference in July!


So, register and report your event and be a part of the largest youth tobacco prevention awareness day in the country! Now get out there, activate change and make the world a better place.

Use these activity ideas and resources to discover your ability to lead and make a difference, and in the process get empowered to not only to become leaders today, but to change the world for a better tomorrow!


Don't forget to report your project and tag us on social media @TxSayWhat and use the hashtag #TTFKD. Thanks for working toward a Tobacco-Free Texas!

Project Ideas / Resources

Project Ideas



Texas Tobacco-Free Kids Day


Each year, over 7,700 Texas youth will become daily smokers. Flavors are the #1 reason youth vape, with 4 out of 5 youth tobacco users starting with a flavored product. In celebration of Texas Tobacco-Free Kids Day, we want to see your stories! So, help combat the tobacco industry by showing us, your friends, and Big Tobacco how you live the life tobacco-free!


Share your story by adding the photo filters to your pictures, and remember to tag us @TxSayWhat with the hashtags #majorKEY, #KEYtosuccess and #TTFKD.

Log in to register your project, and get resources to make your project a hit. Putting on a successful event takes planning, but we've got resources to help you and ease the planning process.

Once you have completed your project, log in and submit the final details of your event! Remember that if you report your project, your youth group can earn the chance to win a scholarship to attend the Say What! Conference in July!

Register // Report Projects

Don’t forget to follow @TxSayWhat on social media.

If you have any questions, contact us at

877-304-2727 or TxSayWhat@txstate.edu

Say What! EST. 2011



Mailing Address

Texas School Safety Center

ATTN: Say What Program

Texas State University

601 University Drive

San Marcos, TX 78666

Say What! was created and designed by young people from across Texas and connects students interested in eliminating tobacco from their schools and communities. The Say What! movement is funded by the Texas Department of State Health Services through a contract with the

Texas School Safety Center at Texas State University.