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The tobacco industry has had a long history of using several marketing tactics to deceive the public into using their products. They have been known to sponsor cultural events, target people through direct mail promotions, place advertisements on TV, the radio and billboards, host pop up events, and lie to the public about their products being “safe.”

Tobacco companies still use these tactics today.

The modules presented within this training will:

1. Provide a historical overview of the
    industry’s marketing practices.

2. Reveal dirty tricks and deceptive
    campaigns used to influence certain
    groups of people to use their products.

3. Provide an opportunity to advocate
    against the industry’s targeted marketing
    by developing your own counter message.

Don’t forget to take the quiz, which will give you access to your official certificate of completion as well as any downloadable resources.

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Say What! EST. 2011

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Texas School Safety Center

ATTN: Say What Program

Texas State University

601 University Drive

San Marcos, TX 78666

Say What! was created and designed by young people from across Texas and connects students interested in eliminating tobacco from their schools and communities. The Say What! movement is funded by the Texas Department of State Health Services through a contract with the Texas School Safety Center at Texas State University.